I love dolls, and vintage baby items! I made this doll for myself. She had to have the perfect dress for my bedroom. My girlfriend and I went Antiquing recently and I found this vintage Feldman Bros. dress and slip. I grabbed it and ran to the cashier. It fits perfectly on my little sweetie. I am so impressed with all the detail work involved in this dress.
Here you can see the detail of the butterflies embroidered on the bottom.
Here you can see the delicate pleating involved.
The under slip is almost like a sleeveless dress in itself. It was made by Feltman Bros. in the Philippines who are famous for the their Baptiste needle work. It's such a delicate cotton. I just love it, and it fits Miss Libby perfectly.
Here is another one of my vintage baby items I purchased off of Ebay a few years ago. It's the perfect vintage baby scale.
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