I love vintage Victorian Era dolls.
One of the most popular artists for Bisque dolls was Pierre-François Jumeau who became widely known for his dolls with realistic faces and characterized by their exquisite clothing which replicated the popular fashions of the time.
It was in 1877 that Jumeau began to create his Bebe Jumeau, a little girl face with toddler clothing. These were his most popular dolls, selling over 3 million annually for 2 decades. Jumeau was awarded countless artisan awards and was featured at major expositions throughout Europe. During the 1890's when the world was in a financial crisis the German's began producing dolls that were less expensive and still very well made. They could not compete with the French artists at the time for technique and detail in both painting and fashion construction, but they were affordable and in very much demand.
The Golden Era of Jumeau dolls began to go into financial difficulty and was bought out by a French manufacturer. Regardless of these set backs, Jumeau Dolls have continued to be sought after by collectors and can be auctioned off for $2000 and upwards.
Here are two fine examples of an advertisement for the Bebe Jumeau
Here is a beautiful Jumeau Collectors Doll from 1907.
Picture borrowed from Kathy Libraty Dolls
Notice the exquisite clothing that would reflect the fashion of the time.
This is a Bisque doll not porcelain so it has a matte finish.
This doll is 105 years old and the paint is still stunning and vibrant.
Notice the eyebrows that was a Jumeau trademark.
Visit Kathy's site she has wonderful collection of gorgeous vintage dolls.
This is my doll Baby Jumeau part of a reproduction series put out by Marie Osmond. I just adore this doll. She is the first in the collection of six which I plan on scouting the universe to obtain.
Every detail was seen to including the Jumeau eyebrows.
She is a Baby so her dress, bonnet, and slip reflects Victorian age baby clothing.
She is also a Bisque doll with glass eyes.
Even her slip and little shoes exquisite detail.
The layers of lace are beautiful. The Reproduction Series is a Limited Edition from a few years ago, but watching Ebay closely you may be able to come by one.
I have highlighted all the dolls in the series with a weblink to www.mariedolls.net. Becky's site is so worth the visit. Beautiful pictures and details.
Baby Jumeau
Baby Bru
Baby Bru Christeing Day
Baby Mein Leibling
Baby Mein Leibling Holiday
Baby Mein Leibling Mother's Eyelet
Baby Steiner
I have highlighted all the dolls in the series with a weblink to www.mariedolls.net. Becky's site is so worth the visit. Beautiful pictures and details.
Baby Jumeau
Baby Bru
Baby Bru Christeing Day
Baby Mein Leibling
Baby Mein Leibling Holiday
Baby Mein Leibling Mother's Eyelet
Baby Steiner