I became known as the casserole queen in the family while raising 6 children. I found that the most efficient and cost effective way to feed this crowd was casseroles. I have at least 10 favorites that I repeated over and over again. The kids never got sick of them. Every once in awhile, like on Sunday I did a roast or baked chicken, but for the most part it was a casserole and salad/vegetable for dinner. My kids are all living on their own now with their own families. It's wonderful when a daughter in law, or daughter calls for one of my casserole recipes. When I go to help for a new baby they always have a list of dishes they want me to make.
It always makes me feel good~warm and cozy.
My casseroles have been favorites at Church Pot Luck dinners as well. Here are a couple of recent casseroles I have made for pot-lucks and dinner just with hubby and daughter.
I made this Tater-Tot casserole for Church Pot Luck recently. I came home with an empty pan.
I love nice bake and serving ware. My favorite has become
Temp-Tations on QVC. Such quality. One my favorite features is
the wire serving basket which makes it easy to take places.
I love these little rooster salt and pepper shakers.
I made this Bacon-Apple-Chedder Mac and Cheese last night for my hubby and a daughter that dropped by.
The Cow baker is another Temp-tations bake and serve piece.
I just served this up with a Caesar Salad. You can see that it
made plenty to send home with my daughter and left overs for
my hubby and me. This is a 2.5 qt baker.
I had to get this shot because I thought the tail of the cow was
so cute as a handle!
Contact me if you would like any one or both of these recipes I will be glad to share.
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