I think I am finally recovered from my two kidney surgeries in late January. During this time I just couldn't sit around I had to do something when I felt good enough, so I pulled out my embroidery machine and made my friend a greeting card for her upcoming wedding. She liked it so much I decided that I would make up some to have on hand for different occasions. It's been loads of fun. I thought I would share with my blogger friends.
This one is for my very good friends birthday. She loves cats and her kitty is a sweet little gray tabby girl. I think it came out so cute and I know it will make her happy.
If my friend chooses she can pull the insert out and frame it or
just frame it like it is using the card as the mat.
These are two I have on hand that I will use for other friends.
So easy really. They are 4x4 designs that I embroidered on felt.
The design fits in a 3x5 window insert of a photo card.
I purchased the photo card in a pack of 6 for $2.97 free shipping from Ebay.
The card itself is 5x7 on lovely embossed card stock.
Between the felt, thread, design and card I figure I have about $3.00 max invested.
A greeting card from Hallmark or American Greetings is at least $4.00 and this one is personal.
I'm pretty happy with my creations. I will have fun with this for all occasions!
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