In our new home we have an entry way that I am
gathering pieces for a vintage porcelain canine vignette.
Here are some of the pieces I have collected. Can't wait
to get them all together and take pictures
of it all together for my blog.
Vintage hunt scene brown transferware from
Nancy at Nancy's Daily Dish etsy English Transferware Shop.
I just purchased this and received 15% off
Nancy is doing a $50 gift certificate give away over
at French Country Cottage check it out.
Nancy has some wonderful transferware pieces. Over 1000
to select from in her etsy shop.
I fell in love with this one to go with my porcelain canine vingette
I am planning for when I get in my new house.
Here is a wonderful vintage Wire Haired Fox Terrier made in occupied Japan which make it a collectible.
He's really in great shape for being over 50 years old.
Here is a little Vintage Springer Spaniel made in Japan in the 50's
A vintage Lefton made in Japan Beagle
Sweet little vintage Cocker also made in occupied Japan.
Great deal on Ebay
These setters are probably my most collectible piece of canine porcelain. They were made in Thuringia Germany which is a region in Germany known for its many porcelain makers. I just purchased this off of Ebay for $16. The seller knew nothing except it is stamped Thuringia Germany. I'm sure this was made sometime
between late 30's and early 50's. I will know more when I receive it.
This is another price from Ebay. A sweet vintage English Cocker Spaniel made by Gort Porcelain pre WWII.
Partying with:

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