My mother passed away Christmas Eve 1994 at 73 years old. It will be 18 years this Christmas. I miss her terribly. Being the only daughter, she left all her personal belongings to me. My brother took her paintings and I packed away all the rest. She was a very organized and a no clutter woman. She only displayed and kept things she really loved. She was not a collector of anything. In fact it gave her the willies to go to my Aunt's home who collects Hummell's and plates. She just couldn't understand it. She was really a no nonsense type of gal. What she did keep were wonderful vintage pieces from my grandparents and gifts given to her.
She was an avid bridge player for as long as I can remember. This cup was given to her by a dear friend. It has to be from the 1960's.
I found this while un-packing during our move. I just love it! Queen Anne Fine Bone China Lady Luck It's
so my mother. She really was Lady Luck at the bridge table and the Black Jack table.
This little Joker is on the inside of the cup.
Back side of the cup.
Bottom stamp
It's nearly in perfect condition in-spite of all the moves over the years. I love the color and details.
I'm so glad I found it!
I will be sharing other lovely finds I have from her in time.
Share Your Cup Thursday #35